
DbUnit includes a comprehensive test suite.

Most of the tests are unit tests, and do not rely on any particular database environment. The unit tests are executed in the normal Maven test phase.

Some of the tests are integration tests, and can test DbUnit functionality against a particular database. The integration tests are executed in the Maven integration-test phase.

Maven profiles control which database environment is in use for a particular test run.

The default profile runs the tests using an HSQLDB in-memory database, which does not require a database server.

Other profiles run against server-based database products.

For example, to run the tests using the DbUnit Oracle10DataTypeFactory and the Oracle 10 JDBC driver for JDK 1.4, use this command:

mvn clean verify -Poracle10-ojdbc14

List all profiles using this command:

mvn help:all-profiles

Note: The integration tests are run using the Maven failsafe-plugin.

Database Properties

Each database is configured by properties and dependencies. The properties relate to standard JDBC connection parameters, and the dependencies cover the database-specific JDBC driver.

The properties include:

  • dbunit.profile - the name of the database environment
  • dbunit.profile.driverClass - JDBC driver class
  • dbunit.profile.url - JDBC connection URL
  • dbunit.profile.schema - database schema (may be case-sensitive)
  • dbunit.profile.user - database connection user name
  • dbunit.profile.password - database connection password
  • dbunit.profile.unsupportedFeatures - comma-separated list of features not to test
  • dbunit.profile.ddl - database-specific DDL script to create tables

These properties are all configured with defaults per test profile. You can override these defaults in ~/.m2/settings.xml:


Running HSQLDB Integration Tests

Nothing special is required.

Run the full test suite, including integration tests, with this command:

mvn clean verify

Running Oracle Integration Tests

  1. Install Oracle database. This can be on your local machine, or you can use any Oracle database you have access to.
  2. Create a "dbunit" user with password "dbunit".

    These values are the defaults configured in the project. If you use different values, you will need to override the properties in your Maven settings.xml.

You are now ready to run tests.

Run the full test suite, including integration tests, with one of these commands:

mvn clean verify -Poracle-ojdbc14
mvn clean verify -Poracle-ojdbc6
mvn clean verify -Poracle10-ojdbc14
mvn clean verify -Poracle10-ojdbc6

Running PostgreSQL Integration Tests

  1. Install PostgreSQL database. This can be on your local machine, or you can use any PostgreSQL database you have access to.
  2. Create a "dbunit" user and database, for example with these commands:
    sudo -u postgres psql <<EOF
    CREATE USER dbunit WITH PASSWORD 'dbunit';
    CREATE DATABASE dbunit OWNER dbunit;

    These values are the defaults configured in the project. If you use different values, you will need to override the properties in your Maven settings.xml.

You are now ready to run tests.

Run the full test suite, including integration tests, with this command:

mvn clean verify -Poracle-default,postgresql

Note: Currently the oracle-default profile is required, along with the postgresql profile, to ensure all JARs required on the compile-time classpath in Maven.

Running MySQL Integration Tests

  1. Install MySQL database. This can be on your local machine, or you can use any MySQL database you have access to.
  2. Create a "dbunit" user and database, for example with these commands:
    mysql -uroot -p <<EOF
    # (enter database root password)
    GRANT ALL ON dbunit.* TO dbunit@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "dbunit";

    These values are the defaults configured in the project. If you use different values, you will need to override the properties in your Maven settings.xml. If you need to connect remotely to your database your need to specify the client host name. You may also need to adjust your MySQL configuration to permit remote connection.

You are now ready to run tests.

Run the full test suite, including integration tests, with this command:

mvn clean verify -Poracle-default,mysql

Note: Currently the oracle-default profile is required, along with the mysql profile, to ensure all JARs required on the compile-time classpath in Maven.

Running Apache Derby Integration Tests

Nothing special is required.

Run the full test suite, including integration tests, with this command:

mvn clean verify -Poracle-default,derby

Note: Currently the oracle-default profile is required, along with the derby profile, to ensure all JARs required on the compile-time classpath in Maven.

Running H2 Integration Tests

Nothing special is required.

Run the full test suite, including integration tests, with this command:

mvn clean verify -Poracle-default,h2

Note: Currently the oracle-default profile is required, along with the h2 profile, to ensure all JARs required on the compile-time classpath in Maven.

TODO: Other databases, notably mssql, db2.